Baker's Choice Highlight: Kyle

Oct 16, 2021

 "It's a refreshing feeling to be in the gym, focused on myself, without feeling like I hate what I see in the mirror. It's powerful." - Kyle

"As a kid, I was thrown into sports by my parents. I believe being the only son, gave them the expectations that I would be a sports fanatic, but in reality, I was not that kid. I did attempt sports, like baseball, soccer, basketball, etc… but I just never found my passion in them. I loved to dance, but as an overweight kid, it did not seem realistic to pursue. 

I started my fitness journey after highschool. I was 350+ lbs at the end of my senior year, and a few friends I was close to started the gym. So I started to avoid being left out, but little did I know that I would end up loving it. 

The minute I saw results, started receiving attention that I was not used to, I became addicted to that feeling. So I ended up diving into fitness for all the wrong reasons. I had a mindset of ego, aesthetics, and a sense of entitlement at the gym.

I eventually dove into volleyball and curveball. I enjoyed it in highschool gym, but never really knew how to play. So I learned, and became pretty good at it. I traveled the US, competing in tournaments as a setter, but again, for all the wrong reasons. Yes, I loved the sport, but I also loved the attention I was getting from people I never expected too. 

If you can’t tell by now, I was pretty obsessed with finding that next “fix” of attention from people. I never really did fitness for myself, and was geared more towards seeking approval from others, and validation of my worth. 

That being said, I burnt out pretty quickly, and quit all fitness related activities in my life. Having an all or nothing mindset was super difficult to find a middle ground. So I began to reflect and understand myself. Mental health is just as important as your physical health. 

Fast forward to today, I found the world of powerlifting, and a healthy balance of life, fitness, and emotional stability. I worked with a health coach to redefine my relationship with food, to not see good/bad foods, and not to be kinder to myself. That helped tremendously, when diving into Powerlifting. I found community, support, and relatable people, especially as a Queer person. Everyone has been so positive, and accepting of one another, and for that, I am thankful. 



 "It's beautiful to see a representation of the real world. People of all shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, etc… being represented makes everyone feel like they belong, and that they can do it too." - Kyle 

Today’s world is pretty difficult to navigate for almost everyone. From current events, to politics, to your personal life, it doesn’t stop. So for me, I found it to be overwhelming to compartmentalize each focus in life, and not allow it to crumble my mental health and emotional being. 

Strength training has been a great outlet for me. It gives me a space to clear my mind, focus on myself for a bit, and get out any frustrations/negative emotions. It also gives me the sense of community, which for me, is so important. Support systems are so underrated anymore, and having people in your corner that share the same passion as you, but also come from different walks of life, has truly helped me. Support is everything.

For me, powerlifting is the sport that I can truly say, I love. I love it tremendously. It allows me to feel a sense of accomplishment hitting numbers my coach has set for me weekly. It also takes away the aesthetic piece that many people face in the fitness industry. Powerlifting cares about what weight you put on that bar and how you execute. It truly is you vs you in this sport with no stress on how others will view me, or how I view myself. It really helped me get out of my toxic mindsets I had set in the past and just live in the moment, for myself. It's a refreshing feeling to be in the gym, focused on myself, without feeling like I hate what I see in the mirror. It's powerful.

KFKF's message legit hits me to my core. I think the industry and world is changing from what I was trained to believe in as a kid. As a kid, you see the same people represented in sports, movies, music, tv, etc… and as a kid, you tend to feel like you're different based on what you do not see represented. 

Today, self love, body diversity, equal rights, a huge role in how many of us live our lives. It's beautiful to see a representation of the real world. People of all shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, etc… being represented makes everyone feel like they belong, and that they can do it too. 

For a company like KFKF to openly support and preach values that make others feel loved, supported, and seen, is a beautiful thing. It's much more than just a clothing company, it's a brand. It's a message. It's a vision, and everyone that wears KFKF clothing represents and stands for that message, and vision. 

My name is Kyle. If I could squat everyday, I would. Donuts are what smiles are made of. And I am Kinda Fit Kinda Fat." 




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