Baker's Choice Highlight: Meg

May 27, 2022

"We all start somewhere and so many people want to see more relevant bodies represented. Give me the jiggle, the cellulite, the popping at the seams. We are all different and we all deserve to be seen and represented." - Meg 

"Hey friends! My name is Meg Viking. I’m a 33 year old disabled mom of four. I have Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy, and after a three year break from the gym due to paralysis and muscle atrophy, I’m jumping back in head first. Follow my journey as I navigate my new version of fitness. I’m so excited to be here and part of KFKF!

Body diversity and representation is so important to me, especially in the fitness realm. Before my disability, I was the head marketing director at an LA Fitness, working out 7 days a week, barely surviving on a keto diet with extreme intermittent fasting. I was obsessed with body composition and wanting to look impeccable.

I had my first serious health problem at the gym resulting in a two week hospital stay undergoing lots of MRI’s and even more unanswered questions. My entire world was flipped upside down when lesions were found on my brain and spinal cord giving me a final diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis and Symptomatic Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Fast forward a year, the entire right side of my body became completely paralyzed causing severe muscle atrophy, vision problems, and seizures. I couldn't wash my own hair or feed myself, let alone deadlift or sumo squat. My entire world was flipped upside down.

For the past three years I have had to take a break from one of the things that made me so happy. I gained a significant amount of weight, had two babies (4 kids total) my body composition completely changed, my muscles I worked so hard for shrank, and I no longer looked like the typical “insta-fit-chick”. I knew fitness would never look the same.


It is so important to me to show on social media that everyone deserves a place in the fitness industry. Brands seem to still only use “fitness models” that look like they’ve already reached their goals, and that’s just not realistic. We all start somewhere and so many people want to see more relevant bodies represented. Give me the jiggle, the cellulite, the popping at the seams. We are all different and we all deserve to be seen and represented. Any body is a gym body. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk."


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