Baker's Choice Highlight: Sarah

Apr 30, 2021

Hello Sarah! Thank you for joining us today. To start, could you share with us a bit about how your fitness journey began?

Sarah: " Thank you so much for having me! Well, my journey into fitness began because I hated my body in my late teens. I was considered overweight, and I put myself through many unhealthy diets trying to get "skinny." In 2011, I decided to become certified as a personal trainer so that I could learn about weightlifting and healthier ways to live. It wasn't until 2015, though, that I found powerlifting. After competing in my first meet after just three months of training, I was hooked. I fell in love with being strong, and started working out because I LOVED my body, not because I hated it. Powerlifting not only made me physically stronger, but it also made me mentally and emotionally stronger."

How has powerlifting changed your personal life? 

Sarah: "In addition to being a powerlifter, I am also a single mom of two and a survivor of domestic violence. Powerlifting, the community within, and the post-workout donuts have pushed me through many mentally and emotionally grueling days. After leaving the abuse, lifting was what kept me sane and stable. It has allowed me to have peace and be happy so that I can be the best mom I can be for my kids.


What does being part of the Kinda Fit Kinda Fat community mean to you?

Sarah: "I love KFKF's message of loving your body through staying active but without depriving  yourself of the occasional donut. My goal is to inspire others to overcome, to find their inner strength, and to not feel guilty for exercising some self-love, whether that love is through lifting or eating." 

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us today Sarah. Could you close us out with the classic KFKF sign off?

Sarah: "Thank you so much for having me and I'd love to! My name is Sarah. I've mastered opening candy wrappers without my kids hearing, and I am Kinda Fit Kinda Fat."


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