Baker's Choice Highlight: TJ

"After years of being unhappy, I decided I needed to make change. I found powerlifting on YouTube (Meg Squats, Silent Mike, and Barbell Brigade), a switch flipped on in my inspiration. Since then powerlifting has been a big part of my life. I went from 260 pounds to 195 pounds and have never felt better or stronger. Being on the platform gives me a true sense of pride and accomplishment.

Going from being the fat kid to being kinda fit, I instantly resonated with the KFKF brand and community on deeply personal level. KFKF is something that anyone can connect with and something to believe in. The team is so diverse that they can inspire and motivate almost anyone that comes across the brand.

My name is TJ an dI love deadlifts and bacon western cheeseburgers and I am KFKF." - TJ


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