Hungry and Proud: Dean

Jun 28, 2021
"The deepest form of happiness and love starts from within. Love yourself now and be PROUD of yourself and your journey. Be you and be true." 
To me, pride is a celebration of life and the ability to be yourself honestly and truly love yourself for everything you were, are, and will be.
I grew up as a queer kid in an extremely conservative religion and home. Not only did I experience disappointment and abandonment from the people I loved, I felt that hatred for myself and I felt worthless. I hated myself and I hated the queerness inside of me. I would pray and try to be different. Pray to be like everyone else so that I could finally find acceptance. But that never came. I eventually  hit such a low of self loathing that I thought my only option was to simply no longer exist.
I've grown much since then. I've constantly fought to not let the hate from others and honestly the hate that I had for myself take my life. I chose to turn the hate I experienced and turn it into kindness in an effort to fight to make a difference in the world, not just for me but for every person out there who doesn't think life is worth living or that they don't have value. I work everyday hoping to create a safe space for people to love themselves fully and for everything they are now, no matter your queerness, your weight, your financial situation, your career, your relationship status. Love yourself now. You are special and worth of self love. You have a spark that can change the world for the better. Never EVER let that go. 
To anyone out there who doesn't feel loved, I want you to know that you are and that you are truly worthy of loving yourself for everything you are. The deepest form of happiness and love starts from within. Love yourself now and be PROUD of yourself and your journey. Be you and be true. 

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